Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day

Steve had his first official Father's Day!  It was a great day!  Tia gave him a picture of the two of them for his desk and a gift certificate for golf!  Daddy's favorite thing!  Then we had a nice dinner with Nanny and Poppy and
she got to meet two more cousin's!

They brought her a wonderful toy that she has played non-stop with since Sunday!

She is teething like crazy!  She is chewing on everything!  She gets a little fussy ,but overall is really good.  I just wish those teeth would come in and not hurt her so much.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Excercising Her Legs

Here are two videos of Tia exercising her legs.  One is from when we were in China and the other home.  Check-out how much she has grown already!!!  I think she is determined to walk not crawl! 

This one is from in China

This one is once we are home.

I cannot believe the growth in her already.  She has become so much stronger in such a short period of time.  It is absolutely amazing!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Changes and Adjustments

First I want to say thank you to everyone for calling, texting or emailing us their good wishes. I am sorry that I have not gotten back to everyone but we are experiencing a lot of changes and adjustments. Our clocks are still off and Tia, doing well all things considered, is still not completely in this time zone. So when Tia naps, we all nap since we are up during the night.

We know everyone wants to see her, but we are all still adjusting. Her more than us. You have to remember that she is nine months old and knows she is not where she was. Everything is so new to her. You watch her and you can see her processing everyone she meets and everything she sees. There are a lot of changes happening for her. Sights, smells, sounds and even her food. Overall she is adapting well.

So, here are some pictures of her trying her first taste of bananas. As you can see,she loved them!

Friday, June 1, 2012


We are finally home!  It was a long trip but a good trip.  We are exhausted and in desperate need of sleep.  So when we wake up and can actually think, I will post more on how Tia did on the plane and how she is doing at home.
