Monday, May 28, 2012


Today Tia was feeling much better. I think she was just a little overtired and needed a day of rest with just her Mom and Dad.

We went to the Temple of Six Banyan Trees. It was wonderful. The pictures do not begin to capture the beauty and peacefulness there. It is in the heart of the city of Guangzhou, but once inside the gates there is a peacefulness that settles in. I would have loved to stay longer but it was so hot and humid. Plus Tia had a leaky diaper on the bus over and I had pee pee on my pants. Not fun on a hot and humid day. We got off the bus and I was putting Tia in the stroller and I look up at the bus driver and he is looking at us and chuckling. I think he is looking at Tia until I look at him again and he points to my pants. Then I realized two things. One, I have pee pee on my pants, and two, he is laughing at me. At that point I just started laughing too.

Once back at the hotel Tia took a nice nap for about two hours. After she got up we were playing on the couch with her Dad when Tia got a little quite (yes, she found her voice!). All of a sudden we smell something and I look down and guess what is leaking out of her diaper? Yup, but that is not all it did. She had an explosion! We stripped her down and put her in the tub. All I could do was laugh again. I got laughing so hard I was crying. We have definitely made it to parenthood! No pictures of that though!


  1. The pictures are great, the one with Steve and Tia would be great framed. Glad that Tia is feeling better, I hope the two of you are getting some sleep as well.
    Can't wait till you are all home!!

    Love you

  2. ps: you might want to think about different diapers. (hahaha)

  3. I wait every day for these pictures..... Love them!!!!


  4. Wow- she really is cute as a button! Get the scrapbooks ready! Love the pic of her in your suitcase too- oh and I bet she is waiting for coco to go swimming... Xo Dana

  5. Can I just read ONE of your posts without my eyes tearing up??? When you were talking about pee on your pants and the guys noticed and you just started laughing...You know, some parents would have gotten annoyed, but YOU are enjoying every little thing and every little moment...Soooo precious--that little beautiful Tia is so blessed!

