Saturday, May 26, 2012


Today we had the medical exam for Tia. She of course did fine. She didn't mind them looking in her ears, down her throat or checking her hearing. She didn't like being put on the scale. Typical girl!

Tia also had her first ride in a stroller today! At first she wasn't too happy until she realized she could see a lot more of what is going on than when in our arms. After that Miss Nosy Pants was fine. She even fell asleep in it.

Tomorrow we are going to Yuntai Garden.


  1. I am glad she did well at the doctor. I love the suitcase pic, looks like she is anxious to come home!!
    Love you

  2. YES! I knew she'd do ok at the Dr's & I'm with Tia, the SCALE is the most painful part of the exam -LOL. It looks like Tia is thinking ...."maybe I can make some room in the suitcase for some cool souveniers." She has such a sweet, expressive face. Love the pics -keep sending
    Bev N

  3. Tia is so adorable! Enjoy your journey!
    Love ya, Kimberly

  4. Love the Suitcase Picture......

    Have a Wonderful Day Today
    Susie & Mark

  5. She's too cute and already into stuff.

    Love you

