Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Well the last few days have been very busy with official appointments for the adoption. We went to the notary yesterday to sign all the paperwork saying that we will take care of her and today we went to the passport office to get her passport. Now we have a couple of days to go sightseeing. I think we are going to a temple tomorrow and then on a dinner cruise on The Pearl River. This of course will totally depend on how Tia is doing. She is teething and had a tough day today with it. She has discovered that chewing on Mommy and Daddy's fingers make it feel better though. We tried to get her to chew on one of the teething toys we brought, but she really wanted nothing to do with it. She wanted to be held all day, snuggle with us and chew on our thumbs. That was fine with us! Of course that was until she chomped down on our finger with the two teeth she does have. Ouch!

These pictures of the view from our hotel. We are on the sixteenth floor. Of course the pictures of Tia are from the view in our sitting area in our room. Hopefully tomorrow we will have some more interesting pictures for you to see.


  1. OMG, she is so beautiful!!! we are so happy for you all, at CCBH we keep on talking about how beatiful Tia is and we can't help to share some tears of joy, God bless you. Love Zahida

  2. Tia is precious. The three of you look so happy and filled with joy. We are all so excited for you. We can't wait to check here each and everyday for more updates. Good Luck with the teething. God bless.
    Love Charlotte

  3. So gorgeous... Just seeing the city makes me miss GZ. I found teething tablets worked well for Shauna...

  4. So cute! Xoxoxo dana

  5. Look at those chubby arms and big brown eyes! Tia is so beautiful and you all look so happy! What a beautiful family you are!

    Candi and Bob

  6. What a beautiful family!! Try something frozen and cold if you can. I use to get mini frozen bagels and let the kids chomp on them. Can't wait to meet little Miss Tia.

    Love ya!
    Celeste xoxo

  7. Love these pictures................

    Susie & Mark

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY!!!! I know here it is not yet Friday but it is your birthday where you are. I hope you have a wonderful day with Tia and Steve!!!
    Love you!

  9. Happy Birthday BFF! Hope you get a chance to do something special for your Birthday! Hugs and Kisses to you, Steve, and Tia! Xoxoxoxo
    Lisa and Junior

  10. Happy Birthday Cindy !!!!!
    Have a GREAT DAY with Miss TIA & Steve!!!
    Love & Miss you guys,
    Aunt Sue

  11. Happy Bithday Mommy!! Have a super day with Steve and Tia


  12. Happy Birthday Cindy...... What a Special Birthday For You!!!!!!!!!!

    Susie and Mark

  13. Awesome awesome awesome another addition to the family can't wait to meet her. Congratulations to two of the most deserving people i know. Love..Melinda
